304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM

EMU 5.7 Smarter, Faster, more Agile

Thank you for your continued support and for propelling EMU to even greater heights. The BroadSource Product Team is pleased to announce EMU 5.7 is now GA.

EMU continues to be Smarter. By providing additional configuration flexibility to allow you to further customise  the capability of EMU implementations.

EMU gets Faster. By providing additional performance when capitalising on EMU farms.

EMU is more Agile. By providing additions that support secure communication from the EMU instance and BroadWorks servers.

Release Summary

  1. Platform: Asynchronous invocation of EMU farm members and support for OCI TLS connections
  2. EMU Provision: Flexibility in creation of Virtual Users
  3. EMU Migrate/Restore: Support for Provisioning Admins
  4. EMU Scheduling: Scheduled task description field
  5. EMU Migrate: Archive Option for Prepare Stage

About EMU

EMU is an Extraction, Manipulation and Update (EMU) platform for Cloud UC developed by BroadSource and specialising in the BroadWorks platform. Used as a powerful portal for Service Providers or application development environment for IT and OSS/BSS teams, EMU is transforming the way Service Providers are managing their BroadWorks based Cloud UC platform.

With just one click, Service Providers can:

  • EXTRACT every piece of information from their BroadWorks environment to provision, audit, analyse or backup customer group configurations.
  • MANIPULATE thousands of configuration attributes in seconds, preparing for migrations across, to and from BroadWorks platforms.
  • UPDATE, en masse, configuration settings, saving hundreds of ‘clicks’ and many hours.