

The Profile allows you to view your Group ID and Name.


The Admins page displays the list of administrator/s for your group.


The Devices page allows you to manage the functions, Shared Call Appearance (SCA), Speed Dial (SD), and Busy Lamp Field (BLF) for your Group’s users’ phone keys using the Visual Device Management (VDM).
How to assign functions, SCA, SD, or BLF to the user’s phone.
1. Select the User and click Manage.
2. Click a linekey or softkey on the phone image. A pop up will appear corresponding to the key that you clicked.
3. Click the Button’s configuration drop-down and select from the list of Actions. Click Save.
4. Click Save for the change to take effect on the phone.


Schedules allows you to view and manage schedules for the group.
To add a new schedule:
  1. Click the “+” button and specify the Schedule Name and select the Schedule Type.
  2. Click Details to configure the schedule.
     a. For Time Schedule, configure the Operating Hours by checking the box corresponding to the day of the week and sliding the round button to indicate the operating hours. Click Save.
     b. For Holiday Schedule, add an event by clicking the “+” button, indicate the Event Name, Start date & time, End date & time, specify if it is an All Day event, and select the recurrence pattern. Click Save.

To edit a schedule:
   1. Click the setting wheel icon of the time or holiday schedule you want to edit.
    2. Click Save.

To delete a schedule:
   1. Click the delete icon corresponding to the time or holiday schedule you want to delete.
    2. A pop-up will appear for you to confirm the action.
    3. Click Delete or Cancel.


Announcements allows you to manage all the audio announcements for a group.
To add an audio announcement:
  1. Click the “+” button.
  2. The Add Announcement page willappear. You can drag or drop file or browse for file from your computer.
  3. Click Save.

To delete an audio announcement:
  1. Click the delete icon corresponding to the announcement file you want to delete.
  2. A pop-up will appear for you to confirm the action.
  3. Click Delete or Cancel.


Entities (Users, Hunt Groups, Call Queuing, Auto Attendants) are provisioned by Rogers for your Group according to your organization’s requirements.


The Users page displays all the users in your group. You can look for specific users by typing in the ID, first name, last name, or phone number in the search box.


The Profile allows you to view and maintain a User’s profile information. You can change the First Name, Last Name and email address for the User. The name you indicate will what appear as the User’s Calling Line ID.

Login Password Reset

You can reset the portal access password for the User. 

VM PIN Reset

You can reset the Voice Mail access PIN for the User.


The Directory displays your organization’s directory listing.


The Logs display the last 20 records of the User’s received, missed, or placed calls.


The Schedules page allows you to view and manage schedules for the user. Schedules are used in services, if available, such as Call Forwarding Selective or Priority Alert to specify the time when the service action (forwarding calls, ringing the phones) should take place.

To add a new schedule:
  1. Click the “+” button and specify the Schedule Name and select the Schedule Type.
  2. Click Details to configure the schedule.
     a. For Time Schedule, configure the Operating Hours by checking the box corresponding to the day of the week and sliding the round button to indicate the operating hours. Click Save.
     b. For Holiday Schedule, add an event by clicking the “+” button, indicate the Event Name, Start date & time, End date & time, specify if it is an All Day event, and select the recurrence pattern. Click Save.

To edit a schedule:
   1. Click the settings wheel icon of the time or holiday schedule you want to edit.
    2. Click Save.

To delete a schedule:
   1. Click the delete icon corresponding to the time or holiday schedule you want to delete.
    2. A pop-up will appear for you to confirm the action.
    3. Click Delete or Cancel.


This is the announcement repository where all the user’s announcements are viewed and maintained.

To add an audio announcement:
  1. Click the “+” button.
  2. The Add Announcement page willappear. You can drag or drop file or browse for file from your computer.
  3. Click Save.

To delete an audio announcement:
  1. Click the delete icon corresponding to the announcement file you want to delete.
  2. A pop-up will appear for you to confirm the action.
  3. Click Delete or Cancel.

Voice Management

Voice Management allows you to specify how to handle the messages for the user.
You can set up your voice messaging options, notification of new voice mails, carbon copies, and allowing callers to press 0 to reach an alternate location.

Incoming Call Features

These are the available incoming calling features provisioned to the User’s number/line.

Do Not Disturb

The Do Not Disturb feature allows you to send your calls directly to your voicemail box without ringing your phone. You can enable the Ring Splash to remind you that the feature is On. When the Ring Splash is enabled, the phone will emit a short ring burst to inform you when the call is being sent to voice messaging.

Anonymous Rejection

Anonymous Call Rejection allows you to reject calls from callers who have blocked the display of their number. Only deliberate anonymous numbers are rejected. Callers whose numbers are unavailable are not rejected. Callers that are rejected are informed that you are not accepting calls from unidentified callers. Your phone does not ring and you do not receive any indication that they called. However, this does not apply to calls within your group.

Call Forwarding Always

Call Forwarding Always automatically forwards all your incoming calls to a different phone number. You can enable the Ring Splash to  play a short ring burst to your phone to remind you the call is forwarded.

Call Forwarding No Answer

Call Forwarding No Answer automatically forwards your calls to a different phone number when you do not answer your phone after a certain number of rings.

Call Forwarding Busy

Call Forwarding Busy automatically forwards your calls to a different phone number when your phone is busy.

Call Forwarding Not Reachable

Call Forwarding Not Reachable automatically forwards your calls to a different phone number when your phone is unreachable.

Outgoing Call Features

These are the available outgoing calling features provisioned to the User’s number/line.

Speed Dial 100

Speed Dial 100 allows you to assign a prefix and a two-digit dialing code to a frequently dialed or hard-to-remember number. You can assign up to 100 numbers.
You can set, modify and delete a Speed Dial 100 entry here.
To call using the Speed Dial, dial “#” + “2-digit speed code”.

Automatic Callback

Automatic Callback allows you to request notification when a busy line becomes available. A distinctive ring will be used to notify you when the user is available.

Caller ID Blocking

Calling Line ID Delivery Blocking allows you to block your number from being shown when calling other numbers. Members of your organization can still see your number when they are called.

Advanced Features

Busy Lamp Field

The Busy Lamp Field feature allows the users to monitor a list of people in the organization so that they would see them when they are busy or free.
Only the Group Administrator is allowed to create a list by assigning BLF keys on the user’s deskphone using the VDM (Visual Device Management).
To enable visual notifications for calls being parked/no longer parked against monitored users, check the Enable Call Park notification box.  De-select the box to stop the notifications.

Hunt Groups

The Hunt Groups page displays all the Hunt Groups in your group. You can look for specific Hunt Group by typing in ID, name, or phone number in the search box.
A Hunt Group automatically processes incoming calls received by a single phone number by distributing them among a group of users or agents.


Allows you to display and configure the profile information and Group policy (circular, regular, simultaneous, uniform).

No Answer Settings

Allows you to configure the following when Hunt Group agents are not able to answer the calls.
– Enable skip to next agent after a configured number of rings.
– Enable forwarding of call after a configured number of seconds.

Not Reachable Settings

Allows you to configure the following when Hunt Group is not reachable.
– Enable call forwarding not reachable
– Make Hunt Group busy when all available agents are not reachable

Hunt Group Members

This section allows you to assign/remove members to/from the hunt group.
How to add/remove members:
1. Click the “Assign Members” button.
2. Tick or untick the box of the corresponding users.
3. Hit Save.
You can also arrange the order of the hunt group member by clicking the up or down arrow.


Allow Call Waiting
– Allows you to enable/disable the “Allow Call Waiting” on agents.


Logs, if provisioned, will display the last 20 records of the hunt group’s received calls.

Auto Attendants

The Auto Attendants page displays all the Auto Attendants in your group. You can look for specific Auto Attendant by typing in ID, name, or phone number in the search box.
An Auto Attendant serves as an automated receptionist that answers the phone and provides a personalized message to callers. Callers have the option to connect to the operator, dial by name or extension, or connect to configurable extensions.


Allows you to display and configure the name of the Auto Attendant.


Logs, if provisioned, will display the last 20 records of the auto attendant’s received calls.


Menu allows you to configure the auto attendant for normal business hours, after hours and holidays.

Business Hours Menu

Allows you to configure the automated receptionist greeting prompt and dialing menu to be used during business hours.


You can select an option from the GREETING control.
~ Select Default Greeting to play a generic system recording, which does not identify a company by name.

Callers hear a greeting similar to the following:

   Welcome. Your call is being answered by an automated attendant. Thank you for calling.
   Welcome. Your call is being answered by an automated attendant.
   If you know your party’s extension, press 1.
   To use our automated name directory, press 2.
   If you would like to speak with an operator, press 0.
   Thank you for calling.

~ Use Personal Greeting to play a custom message recorded in a .WAV or .MP3 audio file by deselecting the Default Greeting.

To provide an audio greeting, select a greeting from the Media drop-down list. 

NOTE:  The drop-down lists include the announcements in the group’s Announcements repository. 

~ You can create your greeting script by enabling the Record option. Then follow these steps:
   1. Type or Copy/paste the script into the Message box.
   2. Select the different options for the audio file creations (country, language, gender, option).
   3. Click Generate.
   6. You can listen and/or download the created audio file.
   5. To upload this audio file, click Manage, then click the “+” button, the Add Greeting page will appear. You can drag or drop file or browse for file from your computer.
        This file is now available as a selection for the Media drop-down list for Personal Greeting.

Key Configuration

You can define a menu option for each numeric key, one for the * key and one for the # key.

For each menu option, select an action from the Action
drop-down list.
The Action control offers the following choices:

   “extension”: Transfers the call to the specified extension. You can configure it by selecting from the extensions drop-down list.

   “phone number”: Transfers the call to the specified phone number. You can configure it by typing the phone number into the Phone Number box.

   “Transfer to mailbox”: Prompts the user for an extension and transfers the user to the voice mailbox of the dialed extension.

   “Name dialing”:  Brings the user into the automated name directory.

   “Extension dialing”:  Prompts the user for an extension, and transfers the user.

   “Play announcement”: Plays a recorded message and returns to the current Auto Attendant menu. You can configure it by selecting from Media drop-down list.

   “Repeat menu”:  Replays the Auto Attendant greeting.

   “Exit”:  Terminates the call.

For extension & phone number Action options, select a transfer prompt to use from the Prompt drop-down list.
” with prompt”: Plays the message, Your call is being transferred, please hold, and then transfers the call to the specified number.
” without prompt”: Transfers the call to the specified number, without playing a transfer prompt.
“with operator prompt”: Plays the message, Please stay on the line while your call is transferred to the operator, and then transfers the call to the specified operator number.

Call Queuing

Call Queuing automatically processes incoming calls received by a single phone number by distributing them to a group of users or agents.


Allows you to display and configure the profile information and Group policy (circular, regular, simultaneous, uniform).

Call Queue Settings

Select one or more of the following options:

In the Queue Length box, enter a limit for the number of calls the system keeps on hold, waiting for an available agent.

To play a ring when offering calls to agents, turn ON the Play ringing when offering call.

To reset caller’s statistics when the call is transferred to a new queue, turn ON the Reset caller statistics upon entry to queue.

To allow callers to leave the queue, turn ON the Allow callers to dial <X> to escape out of queue and specify the digit they need to dial.

Agent Settings

Select one or more of the following options:

To allow agents to join the call center to receive calls, turn ON the Allow agents to join Call Centers.

To allow call waiting on agents, turn ON the Allow Call Waiting on Agents.


Addresses display information such as phone number & extension for this call center.


Logs, if provisioned, will display the last 20 records of the hunt group’s received calls.


This section allows you to configure the list of agents who may join this call center.  Users are available if they have been assigned an appropriate Call Center feature. 
How to add/remove agents:
1. Click the “Assign Agents” button.
2. Tick or untick the box of the corresponding users.
3. Hit Save.
You can also arrange the order of the agents by clicking the up or down arrow.


Announcements allows you to customize the Call Center voice prompts that are played to callers while waiting in queue. You can configure up to four files for the entrance message.  All four announcements are chained and play back to the caller one after another.
Steps to configure the Call Queing Entrance Message:

1. Indicate if the entrance message plays to queued callers.
2. Specify if the entrance message is mandatory.
3. Specify the audio files to be used in the message.
4. Save your changes.

Steps to configure the Call Queing Estimated Message:

1. Enable or disable playing the estimated wait message.
2. Enable or disable playing the updated estimated wait message at regular intervals.
3. Select and configure the message option you want to use for this call center.
    – To announce their position in the queue to callers, select Position (Announce Queue position) and in the Play message for callers in queue position <X> text box, enter the maximum queue position to play this announcement to.  The number must be from one through 100.
    – To play the high volume announcement to callers whose position in the queue is higher than the configured maximum, check Play high volume message.
    – To announce their approximate
waiting time
to callers, select the Time (Announce wait time) and in the Play message for callers with wait time of <X> minutes text box, enter the maximum waiting time (in minutes) during which the message can play.  The number must be from one through 100.
    – To play the high volume message to callers whose estimated waiting time is longer than the configured maximum, check Play high volume message.
       In the Default handling time text box, enter the estimated handling time per-call (in minutes) to use when calculating the waiting time.
NOTE:  The estimated waiting time = ([position in queue * average call handling time] / [number of agents available or wrap-up]).  The default handling time is used when the average call handling time is not available.
4. Save changes

Comfort Message

Steps to configure the Call Queuing Comfort Message:

1. Indicate if the comfort message plays to users.
2. Specify the time between messages.
    – In the Time Between Messages: <X> seconds, enter the time to elapse before replaying the comfort message.
3. Specify the audio files to play in the message.
    – For Audio, select one of the following options:
       Default or Custom and then select up to four custom files from the corresponding drop-down lists. 
       The announcements are chained and play back to the caller one after another.
NOTE:  The drop-down lists include the announcements in the announcement repository. An announcement must be added to the repository before it can be used in a service. 
 For more information, see Announcement Repository.
4. Save your changes.

Steps to configure the Call Queuing Music On Hold Message:

1. Indicate if the music plays to callers.
2. Specify the audio files to play in the message.
   – For Audio, select one of the following options:
     Default or Custom and then select up to four custom files from the corresponding drop-down lists. 
     The announcements are chained and play back to the caller one after another.
      NOTE:  The drop-down lists include the announcements in the announcement repository.  An announcement must be added to the repository before it can be used in a service. 
      For more information, see Announcement Repository.
3. Save your changes.


Overflow section allows you to configure the call queuing routing policy when a large number of calls have been received or calls have been waiting longer than the configured threshold.
Steps to configure the Call Queuing Overflow policy:
1. Specify the action to take for overflow calls.
     – Perform busy treatment
     – Transfer to phone number
     – Play ringing until caller hangs up
2. Specify the waiting time after which a call is considered an overflow.
     – Toggle ON/OFF the Enable overflow timeout (after calls), wait <X> seconds and enter the number of seconds in the text box.
3. Specify if a message plays to the caller before applying the action to the call.
     – Toggle ON/OFF the Play announcement before overflow processing.
4. Select audio files to play in the announcement.
     – Default or Custom and then select up to four custom files from the corresponding drop-down lists. 
     The announcements are chained and play back to the caller one after another.
NOTE:  The drop-down lists include the announcements in the announcement repository. An announcement must be added to the repository before it can be used in a service. 
For more information, see Announcement Repository.

Announcement Repository

Announcement repository allows you to manage all the audio announcements for the Call Queuing.

Voice Portal

The Voice Portal allows you to change voice portal options for the Call Queuing.

Group Paging

Group Paging enable users to page a group of users by dialing a paging group number or extension.


Allows you to display and configure the profile information and Calling ID options.
For Calling Line ID to deliver, you can select one of the following:
– To use the paging group’s CLID, select Paging group.
– To use the originator’s CLID, select Originating user with prefix. 
Optionally, enter a prefix to be delivered with the CLID, for example, “Page from: “.
The selected CLID is presented to all the targets when they are being paged.
You can specify the time to wait before sending the confirmation tone to the originator. From the Confirmation tone sending timeout list, select the time in seconds to wait after receiving the first answer from a target and before sending the confirmation tone to the originator.

Group Paging Originators

This section allows you to configure the group paging originators.  
How to add/remove originators:
1. Click the “Assign Originator” button.
2. Tick or untick the box of the corresponding users.
3. Hit Save.

Group Paging Targets

This section allows you to configure the group paging target.  
How to add/remove target:
1. Click the “Assign Target” button.
2. Tick or untick the box of the corresponding users.
3. Hit Save.


Addresses display information such as phone number & extension for this call center.

Meet-Me Conferencing

Meet-Me Conference Bridges allows you to view and activate Meet-Me conference bridges for your group.


The Profile section allows you to:
1. Display and configure the profile information and Calling ID First Name & Last Name.
2. Restrict the length of scheduled conferences created on this bridge.
    -For Maximum Scheduled Conference Duration <X> hours <Y> minutes, select the hours and minutes from the drop-down lists.
     NOTE 1:  The maximum duration of a scheduled conference cannot be changed to a value lower than the length of the longest scheduled conference existing on this bridge.
     NOTE 2: Maximum Scheduled Conference Duration cannot be set to a value greater than Maximum Conference Duration (if Maximum Conference Duration is configured).

3. Allocate ports to this conference bridge.
   – In the Allocated Ports input box, specify the number of ports to allocate to this conference bridge.  You can select Unlimited (if available) or enter the number of port.

4. Allow individual outdial.
   – To allow out-dialing to individual participants, toggle ON/OFF the Allow Individual Outdial.

5. Restrict the length of conferences created on this bridge.
    – Check Maximum Conference Duration <X> hours <Y> minutes and select the hours and minutes from the drop-down lists.
      NOTE:  The maximum duration of a conference cannot be changed to a value lower than the length of the longest existing conference scheduled on this bridge.

6. Enable a warning prompt.
    – Check Play Warning Prompt <X> minutes before the conference end and select the number of minutes from the drop-down list.
      When this option is enabled:
      For scheduled conferences, a warning message is played <X> minutes before the scheduled end of the conference.
      For reservationless conferences, a warning message is played <X> minutes before the Maximum Conference Duration configured on this page.  If the Maximum Conference Duration is not configured, no warning message is played.


Addresses display information such as phone number & extension for this call center.


These are group features that are available to configure.

Music on Hold

Music On Hold allows you to select an audio file, for example, music or advertising, that is to be played for callers on hold. This service can be used in conjunction with the Call Hold, and Call Park services.

To enable or disable Music on Hold for a service, select or deselect the the toggle button for that service.
   “Enable”: Enable music during Call Hold
   “Enable for Call Park”: Enable music during Call Park
   “Enable for Camp On”: Enable music during Busy Camp On

To change the source of the Music On Hold message, select System or Custom:

To play the default music selection, select System
for system defined music.

To play custom music, select
for custom music file and then select an audio announcement from the Media drop-down list. 

NOTE:  An announcement must be added to the announcement repository before it can be used in a service.  For more information, see Announcements section.

Click Save for the changes to take effect.

Common Phone List

The Common Phone List allows you to store frequently called numbers for the group. You can also quickly add numbers to this list by importing a phone list and loading the numbers from a CSV file.
To add a number:
   1. Click the “+” button.
   2. Indicate the Name and Phone Number in the corresponding boxes.
   3. Click Save.

To delete a number:
   1. Click the delete icon corresponding to the entry you want to delete.
   2. A pop-up will appear for you to confirm the action.
   3. Click Delete or Cancel.

To import a file of numbers:
   1. Click the upload/import icon.
   2. The Upload File page will appear. You can drag or drop file or browse for file from your computer.
   3. Click Import.
       Below is a sample of the format required for the import file:

       “Justin S Bieber”,”403-600-3000″
       “Jennifer M Aniston”,”587-390-2529″
       “Joey W Triviani”,”587-390-9520″
       “Chinandler B Bing”,”403-600-1234″
       “Brenda A Starr”,”403-500-1234″

To modify or delete a number:
   1. Click the edit icon.
   2. The
Directory Entry page will appear. Edit the entry.
   3. Click Save or Cancel.

Call Reporting

Call Type: List of Call types in the “Call Types” tab.