304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM

EMU 5.1: Further improvements in performance for API’s calls

EMU 5.1 adds a micro-services framework and scheduling features, along with improvements to the functionality of the platform to enrich the management and provisioning of the BroadWorks platform. Below is a summary of the top features and enhancements EMU 5.1 has to offer.


  • Performance Improvements in Micro-Services framework
  • Support for extended Basic Authentication
  • New Excel parser that offers better memory utilisation
  • Force specific OCI version for a primitive API
  • Non-unique admin IDs
  • Support for non-standard OCI ports
  • Scheduled Tasks for Backup and Migration
  • Staged migration for Service Provider and User levels
  • Scheduled Tasks timing selection
  • Filtering of messages in Error Window
  • Enhanced file format for Backup and Restore
  • Additional file format conversion in transform function

About EMU

EMU is an Extraction, Manipulation and Update (EMU) platform for Cloud UC developed by BroadSource and specialising in the BroadWorks™ platform. With just one click, Service Providers can:

  • EXTRACT every piece of information from their BroadWorks™ environment to audit, analyse or backup customer group configurations
  • MANIPULATE thousands of configuration attributes in seconds, preparing for migrations
  • UPDATE, en masse, configuration settings, saving hundreds of ‘clicks’ and many hours