304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM

EMU 3.0 Task Catalogue hits the streets

After another six months of Task activity, we are pleased to be able to release an update to our ‘Task Catalogue’. It represents an expansion of the Tasks that we have now completed for our service provider customers and a refinement in the estimated times that each of the tasks might take. We have also re-presented the catalogue in a format that makes it easier for our key customers within the service provider, describing each task in terms of ‘Who am I?” and “What BroadWorks task do I need to get done?”

About EMU

EMU is an Extraction, Manipulation and Update (EMU) platform for Cloud UC developed by BroadSource and specialising in the BroadWorks™ platform. With just one click, Service Providers can:

  • EXTRACT every piece of information from their BroadWorks™ environment to audit, analyse or backup customer group configurations
  • MANIPULATE thousands of configuration attributes in seconds, preparing for migrations
  • UPDATE, en masse, configuration settings, saving hundreds of ‘clicks’ and many hours