304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM
From your browser, visit:
For non-Webex users, you can log into SecureCall using your email address.
If SecureCall does not yet have a Webex token to authenticate, you will be re-directed to the Webex login page to then enter your Webex Calling username and password.
Once you successfully authenticated, Webex will re-direct you back to SecureCall and log you in.
A long life token from Cisco is then stored in your browser. Whilst it's valid, you won't need to enter a username and password.
That's it. You are ready to go!
Pick up any phone and call your Webex service number.
At any time during the call you can secure the conversation:
1. Bring the SecureCall web page into focus.
2. Click on the "Press to Secure" button on the SecureCall web page.
3. This will bring the SecureCall cloud into the conversation between you and the customer.
Remember that you can login to SecureCall at any time, even if you are already on a call.
When the payment page opens, you can be assured the call is now secure.
As the Merchant staff member, enter some sample sales transaction details:
a) An amount less than $1,000
b) Any data as the Payment Reference
c) Any name
Acting as the customer.....
Here is a sample card you can use to test the payment process.
Using the dial pad of the 'customer's phone' go ahead and enter the 16 digit card number, followed by a 'hash'.
Then the card expiry, followed by a 'hash'.
Then the CVV, followed by a 'hash'.
Remember when entering these customer card details, type a 'hash' to complete each field.
Watch this short video to see how the Webex Administrator can embed SecureCall into the Webex Calling client and deploy it across their organisation.
Keep watching to see
With the introduction of this new media server, Cisco have a temporary request process to activate DTMF pass-through. This is needed to ensure SecureCall successful 'secures the call'.
Please ask your CISCO CSAM to enable wxcc_rtms_dtmf_agentleg for your tenant. Your CSAM can use this SmartSheet to make the request
Feature flag required >> wxcc_rtms_dtmf_agentleg
Webex Contact Centre Administrators can control the layout of their desktop by modifying the default desktop JSON configuration file.
We have prepared two versions of this JSON file that include the configuration code needed to embed SecureCall into your agent desktop configuration.
Grab a copy of this zip file. It contains four (4) sample JSON files to use for testing. They are entire default desktop layout files with SecureCall embedded.
Use the file based on your geography (US, UK, EU or AU).
Grab this zip file of 'snippets' of the JSON file for production use. The snippet has just the basic code to be included in your existing desktop layout configuration file.
Use the snippet based on your geography (US, UK, EU or AU).
If you need information on how to get started modifying the desktop layout visit the Cisco documentation here.
Once you've got a start, we've got this page to show you how to incorporate SecureCall into your one or many desktop layouts that you might use across your contact centre.